Monday, May 14, 2007

A rushed post

Three weeks long of hiatus and still counting; any newer post after this is inconceivable due to the amount of work we have thanks to our uni. Heck, truth is we are just plain lazy to even bother to make a post, let alone sustain it on a regular basis. I’m in the uni’s computer lab rushing my report since I practically cannot do much of work at home thanks to disrupted broadband connectivity; keep up the excellent work TM for you are the nation’s pride just like Potong (Proton). For the past few days I have been hopping from one friend’s house to another friend’s to access to the internet; makes me wonder how long I need to remain as a vagrant.

Anyway, we met up with workplace colleagues from UCSI and UTAR last week and they haven’t changed much; Li Ern with her permed hair, Muthu with his one-thousand-words-per-second chatter outlet (lol, I mean it in a good way), Alicia, still maintaining the same weight, I believe, (coincidentally identical to mine) and Tian Tian with her ‘sweet’ personality as usual. Yuan Ni was coughing though; Yik Lim, the perennial busy bee, must have neglected her lol.

Come to think about it, most of our colleagues are either having their holidays or just resumed with their new semester so they shouldn’t be as busy as us. Darn, now I’m asking myself why am I spending my milli-seconds making this post; time and tide waits for no man.
Till next time.

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